A/O Announces £214.5m Green Proptech Fund

Conal Cram

In a landmark move, A/O, a London-based venture capital firm, has announced the first close of its €250m (£214.5m) green proptech fund. This monumental step signals A/O’s commitment to fostering innovation in the rapidly evolving green proptech sector, as the firm focuses on driving sustainability in real estate.

A/O Transitioning to Green Technology


A/O Green Proptech Fund

Gregory Dewerpe, A/O’s founder and chief innovation officer, sees this fund as a milestone. He stated,

We believe this is one of the largest industry transitions of our generation, that will see the emergence of some of the most significant category-defining technology companies globally.

The green proptech fund showcases the promising potential of AI in accelerating automation, efficiency, and transparency across real estate.

Investing in Sustainable Futures

A/O’s green proptech fund has already made a powerful start. The German home energy assessment startup, Enter, successfully raised £16.6m in a Series A round this year as the first investment of the fund. With a history of investing in seed to Series B startups across the UK, Europe, and North America, A/O continues to champion innovation in the sector.


A/O’s £214.5m green proptech fund is more than a financial investment. It represents a vision and belief in building a sustainable future for real estate. From reducing emissions to accelerating the transition to clean energy, the fund sets a bold course towards reshaping the industry. Dewerpe’s conviction that AI will play a key role in this transition is a tantalizing glimpse of what’s to come.

We invite you to join the conversation about this innovative and eco-friendly approach to real estate. How do you see the future of green proptech unfolding? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below!

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Conal is a seasoned tech industry professional and content writer for numerous tech publications. With a strong background in software engineering and digital media development, he's passionate about sharing the latest updates and insights in the tech industry, particularly in artificial intelligence and other disruptive trends. In his spare time he loves a mezze platter and a good film, and if he's not playing Fortnite or spending time with his daughter you can assume he's at the dry slopes!
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