Statera’s Acquisition by EQT Fuels UK Renewable Energy Transition

Conal Cram

In an ambitious step towards the United Kingdom’s renewable energy transition, EQT Infrastructure has announced the acquisition of Statera Energy Limited, a frontrunner in battery storage and flexible generation. This significant move aligns with the growing necessity for robust energy solutions that can support the burgeoning infrastructure of intermittent renewable resources and contribute to the UK’s net zero targets. The deal promises to be a cornerstone in the reshaping of the UK’s energy sector, setting the stage for a future powered by sustainable, reliable energy.

The Importance of Battery Storage in Renewable Transitions

With the UK steadily advancing towards a decarbonized energy grid, the significance of innovative technologies like battery storage cannot be overstated. As traditional fossil fuels take a backseat, the demand for stability services that can manage the unpredictable nature of solar and wind power rises. Statera has been at the forefront of this sector, deploying flexible generation assets capable of supporting approximately 750,000 homes.

EQT Infrastructure’s Strategic Acquisition of Statera

Francesco Starace, Partner within the EQT Infrastructure Advisory Team, articulates the vision behind the acquisition: “In a world increasingly reliant on intermittent renewables and striving to achieve Net Zero emissions, battery storage and other flexible generation solutions are imperative.” This partnership is not just a transaction but a leap towards fortifying the grid against the challenges of an electrified future.

Impact on the UK’s Energy Landscape

The UK energy paradigm is undergoing a transformation, with a strong emphasis on sustainability and innovation. EQT Infrastructure’s investment into Statera is expected to supercharge the company’s growth, ensuring that the UK energy landscape can evolve without compromising on reliability or sustainability.

Statera’s Role in Flexible Generation and Energy Storage

Tom Vernon, Founder and CEO of Statera, underscores the criticality of their mission:

“Statera directly addresses this challenge by developing and operating projects which provide the resilience and flexibility required to balance the grid.”

Statera’s expertise and strategic direction have carved a path for the company to become a significant player in the UK’s renewable sector.

The Future of Renewable Energy in the UK

The alliance between EQT and Statera is a glimpse into the potential future of energy in the UK. With plans to deliver 7.5GW of flexibility assets by 2030, including green hydrogen and pumped hydro projects, Statera’s trajectory is set to impact the renewable market significantly.

The Significance of the Acquisition

Stephane Kofman, Head of Capital Gain Funds at InfraRed Capital Partners, reflects on Statera’s journey, ”

Having identified early on the fundamental need for flexibility and storage, we are very pleased to have worked closely alongside management to create a company that is a now a market leader.”

This acquisition marks a culmination of years of foresight and innovation, poised to change the UK’s renewable energy narrative.


As EQT Infrastructure embraces Statera’s prowess, the UK inches closer to a future where clean, renewable energy isn’t just an aspiration but a reality. The fusion of Statera’s operational excellence and EQT’s strategic vision heralds a new era of energy generation—one where flexibility and sustainability are at the core of power systems.

The acquisition, subject to customary conditions and approvals, is expected to close around the year’s end. It sets a precedent for how investment and innovation can collaborate to drive the UK’s renewable energy transition forward.

We invite our readers to join the discussion on this transformative deal. How do you think this acquisition will impact the UK’s energy landscape in the long run? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Conal is a seasoned tech industry professional and content writer for numerous tech publications. With a strong background in software engineering and digital media development, he's passionate about sharing the latest updates and insights in the tech industry, particularly in artificial intelligence and other disruptive trends. In his spare time he loves a mezze platter and a good film, and if he's not playing Fortnite or spending time with his daughter you can assume he's at the dry slopes!
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