Ambuja Cement’s Bold Renewable Energy Leap in India

Conal Cram

In an ambitious stride towards sustainability, Ambuja Cement, a subsidiary of the Indian conglomerate Adani Group, has announced its plan to integrate a substantial 1GW of solar and wind generation capacity into its cement production process. This significant move, aligning with the Ambuja Cement Renewable Energy Expansion, not only marks a milestone in the company’s history but also sets a precedent in the realm of industrial sustainability in India.

Ambuja Cement’s Renewable Energy Plan

Ambuja Cement’s investment of INR60 billion (US$72 million) is earmarked for the development of solar and wind projects in two Indian states, Gujarat and Rajasthan. This impressive lineup of renewables includes a 600MW solar PV project and a 150MW wind project in Gujarat, accompanied by a 250MW solar PV project in Rajasthan. The company’s commitment to renewable energy is a testament to its dedication to environmental stewardship and sustainable development.

Investment and Capacity Details

The substantial financial commitment by Ambuja Cement is set to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy resources. By the financial year 2026, the company aims to have fully integrated the additional solar and wind generation capacity. Furthermore, a shorter-term goal has been set to reach 200MW of renewable capacity by March 2024, underlining the urgency and importance of this initiative.

Adani Group’s Decarbonization Strategy

Ajay Kapur, the CEO of Adani Group’s cement business, emphasized the significance of this move, stating:

“Adding renewables not only aligns with the growth trajectory, but also with the national objective of decarbonization.”

This statement reflects the broader vision of the Adani Group in contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly industrial landscape.

In conjunction with Ambuja Cement’s plans, Adani Green Energy, another arm of the Adani Group, has closed a US$1.36 billion debt facility to support the development and construction of its large-scale projects. The financing will bolster the construction of planned renewables capacity additions at the Khavda renewable park in Gujarat, with an initial plan for 2.2GW of capacity additions and potential for future expansion.

Future Prospects and Industry Impact

The strategic move by Ambuja Cement, spearheaded by the Adani Group, is expected to have a ripple effect across the industry. By setting a high standard for renewable energy integration in cement production, the company is not only contributing to the global efforts against climate change but also bolstering India’s position in the renewable energy sector. The company’s vision aligns with India’s national goals and demonstrates the potential for industrial sectors to contribute meaningfully to environmental sustainability.


Ambuja Cement’s renewable energy expansion is more than just an industrial upgrade; it’s a bold statement in the journey towards a more sustainable future. As the company strides forward with its ambitious plans, it invites stakeholders, industry peers, and environmentally conscious individuals to join in this conversation. We encourage our readers to share their thoughts and perspectives on this significant move. How do you see Ambuja Cement’s initiative shaping the future of renewable energy in industrial sectors? Share your views in the comments below and be part of this pivotal

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Conal is a seasoned tech industry professional and content writer for numerous tech publications. With a strong background in software engineering and digital media development, he's passionate about sharing the latest updates and insights in the tech industry, particularly in artificial intelligence and other disruptive trends. In his spare time he loves a mezze platter and a good film, and if he's not playing Fortnite or spending time with his daughter you can assume he's at the dry slopes!
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